NYC Bring Your Own Bag Week is Sept 15-21

Do you live in New York City? Then you’ve seen plastic bags blowing through traffic, stuck in trees and clogging our sewers. If you’ve had enough of the litter and waste, you’re on the right track.  If you don’t think these bags are a problem, think again.

Sept 15th-21st we challenge NYC to #BYOBag!

This September 15th-21st, we're joining a coalition of groups across the city to challenge all of New York City to bring their own bags instead of consuming more single-use bags like paper or plastic during #BYOBag Week. This challenge will support the passage of single-use bag legislation in NYC.  We’re saying no to all single-use carryout bags (including paper) to seriously improve our environmental footprint.

We know going cold turkey can be tough so we’ll be there to help you along the way. Every morning during #BYOBag Week we’ll be sharing the tips, tools and action items you need to help you put an end to bag addiction.  There are a ton of things that you can do to help reduce waste, helping to keep this planet clean and healthy not only for you, but for future generations. Let’s start today.

What is the Challenge?

We want you to go (at least) one entire week without using a single-use carryout bag.  Count how many single-use carryout bags you refuse this week and let us know at the end of the week!  (Also let us know if you inspired others at the store to do the same!)

Are you ready to take the Challenge?

Register today and share this challenge with your friends, family and neighbors!

Thanks for joining us! Let’s kick the single-use bag habit NYC!

#BYOBag Week

UncategorizedJennie Romer